Sitarist Shunichi Sawada

澤田 俊一 (Shunichi Sawada)

ギタリストとして演奏活動の後、1998年よりカルカッタにおいてPT.Manilal.Nag 氏にシタールを師事している。 2005年師の許しを得、カルカッタにおいて演奏活動を始める。現在、カルカッタを中心にインド及び日本にて演奏活動中。

Shunichi Sawada was born at Tochigi-City in japan.
He has been a professional Guitarist for long 15 years. At his age of 31,he had the privilege to listen to a CD of Pandit Manilal Nag with Pandit Mahapurush Mishra on Tabra which impressed him so much that he desided to learn Sitar and became a dieisciple of Pandit Manilal Nag in 1998.At 2005,He was given a permission of having performances in Kolkata from Guru and now,he has proglams in India and Japan.Shunichi is regorously continuing to receive talims from his Guru spending about ten months in a year,making Kolkata as his second home.
Sitarist Shunichi Sawada